Sunday, September 21, 2008

Reel spirituality

Yes, they can be embarrassingly sappy. Yes, the music can sound terribly trite.

But c'mon, admit it. Those many videos interviewing God or dreaming of footprints in sand -- now and then, one of them gets to you.

Good. You've faced up to it. Now you can freely sample InspiringThots.

Site creator Kwek Sing Cher of Singapore has compiled more than 200 of these Flash-powered movies -- complete with Hallmark-style verse, rambling music, acres of flowers and miles of mountains, waterfalls and sunsets.

Want to cheer a friend? Try Touch My Heart. Encouragement? There's I Prayed For You Today. Need to get your man to hear you? Please Listen may say what you want.

And yes, some jewels stand out. What a Pretty Planet has stunning photos of Earth from space, and a gentle appeal to protect it for our children. Kwek even contributes his own bits of wisdom, as in the Born Resilient movie.

There are some historical classics here, too. Advice like the Desiderata and Mother Teresa's The Final Analysis. Also the prayer of St. Francis, and Reinhold Niebuhr's Serenity Prayer.

Kwek helpfully sorts the movies by category as well as title, plus which are most popular or most recent. But the videos are grouped into only seven topics. We need more.

But feel free to wander through the piles of Love to Live and God's Fragrant Rose and It is True, I'm So Blessed. No worries. It's our little secret.

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